2008年12月17日 星期三

花 与 化

朗朗又要来表演了,上一次是若干年前在雪梨,还未步出校园,稚气未脱.. 眨眼一过,恍如隔世。
So much has happened. The highs, the lows, the exciting, the not-for-the-faint-hearted..
颇有人面不知何處去,桃花依舊笑春風的悲凉。也许因为感叹和怀念象牙塔阶段的simplicity (or was it naivety?)

但相信更是因为厌恶呢排香港媒体无止境的doom and gloom.. 从"黄金十年"到"世界末日"只经历了短短12个月. 四叔"年底见33,000" 言犹在耳,现在已经跌到阿妈都晤识. From on top of the world to the lowliest of the low, 不止是个市,更毫不留情地trickle down to screw up every facets of life 和心情. 执笠的执笠,减薪的减薪,裁员的裁员... 人心惶惶,只能用句惨不忍睹一概括之.

要打要杀跳楼烧碳还不如退后一步想,再怎样也幸运过泰林那些七老八十的阿伯退休金悉数化为乌有. 大半生辛苦换来欲哭无泪 。

毕竟有的还是大把青春,条条大路都能到罗马. 再不行就用游的,套上个tyre 谁怕谁.. Better to live in reality than a safe cocoon..应该感谢所谓"百年难遇"的海啸免费给各人的risk management lesson, 日后如果再陷入类似 "I kill you later" 的港式糖衣陷阱,那就抵得 some serious 打.

Perhaps there's no better time than now for Mr Li's 千古佳句... 天生我才必有用,千金散尽还复来.


I am grateful

I actually wanted to write this short note this morning, but decided not to hold back any longer because today has been such a beautiful day.

I am grateful.. to be able to go to work everyday (that obviously goes without saying),
I am grateful.. to be able to relish going to walk each morning, while I take in as much of this city's striking skyline as possible,
I am grateful.. to be able to catch glimpses of the beautiful people in Central, while the winter sun gently caresses my face..

I am grateful.. to be able to hug myself in a cosy waistcoat, while I lethargically lift my head to the sun with a smile and half squinted eyes,
I am grateful.. to be able to lose myself in the world of a pair of gigantic headphones, while silky notes parade into my joyful ears,
I am grateful.. to be able to immerse myself in the festive atmosphere in Landmark, while I half-heartedly count down the days to turn the pages of 2008,
I am grateful.. to have no loved ones stranded or injured in disorderly nation states, while I fret about their whereabouts and safety,
I am grateful.. to be surrounded by marvelous human beings in this world, whether professionally or otherwise.

Happiness can be so blissful. Yet so effortless. Thank you, so I say.