I have rebounded from a week ago. I was feeling depressed and unhappy, was getting sick and getting antsy about the whole Lyoness business. I was getting impatient about the business and getting bored with it.
Then JC came back and I had a chat with her, it turned out that I quite possibly got in touch with some bad things (could be a combination of going to clubs to present, going to present at Show and the douche bar tender who was the reason I got tontilitis for the entire following week or the fact that I went out drinking w C and her bunch of people on Sunday night.
Either way I realised the key to all of this is I have to clean my house. But before I was to implement any changes, I need to first do some good deeds to transition into the change.
I don't know why, but as soon as I had a chat w JC, I immediately had peace of mind and resolved to change.
Also, the hike on 26 Jan Australia Day, made me realise how much weight I have gained and how unbearable it has come to become for me. So I have a real questions for all these.
What is my commitment?
Being held hostage or fearful is not what I am committed to.
I am committed to not seeing people as a number but a human being that I care about that I am committed to helping and making their dreams real for them.
People rush when they are not confident. I am confident that I will get where I want to go and help all the people that I want to help and make a difference to. I am committed to everyone fulfilling their possibilities.
What are my possibilities?
That I am a big person and can make a difference to other people by choosing, from moment to moment, to beat my own demons and choose to overcome and prevail my impatience and lack of compassion.