2012年12月19日 星期三

Xmas Greetings!

Dear Friends
It's the festive season again! Doesn't time fly when you are having fun??
Wish you and your loved ones a very merry Christmas and joyous new year!
I would also like to beyond the usual Christmas season 'niceties' and take the opportunity to share with you my journey this year, because it's important to me that you know what is going on with my life; but also because I want to thank you for your contribution to my life. I may not have expressed explicitly, but I really appreciate your presence in my life in one way or another, even if we may not see each other frequently.
In 2012 I have been on an amazing journey of self discovery through life coaching (as a coachee and perhaps en route to be a coach myself soon lol), and here are some breakthroughs I have gotten which I would love to share as my gift to you, my dear friend.
One of my favourite quotes is by Deepak Chopra – The past is history, and the future is mystery. This moment is a gift, that is why it’s called the present. Over the years I have frequently regretted not being more active and “out there” in areas of my life, be it work, relationships or elsewhere, participating more fully or getting to know each and one of you better, than hiding in my shell as I once did.
However, I have now come to realise that there is simply no better moment than THE NOW, this very moment, with air passing through my diaphragm, my nostrils, fingers tapping away on the keyboard, to be alive and breathing. Instead of regretting about the past, or fretting over the uncertain future, or wishing my dad was Li Ka Shing or resenting the shocking markets, the most ALIVE way of BEING is to be with the moment, and be with my circumstances, no matter what they are.

You know somebody wise once said to me, “Life happens the moment you say yes!!” It is so true, have you ever wished you did something but was stopped by your own fear, thoughts, perfectly sound ‘reasons’ of not doing, or other people’s opinions? You know, the moment I decide to give up the reasons my head was generating, get off the sideline and really get on the court to play the game that is my life, THAT VERY MOMENT I commit (say “Yes!!”) to do whatever it is I’m doing, is the moment I become alive. And that made my life so fun! As a result, 2H12 has seen me do some crazy fun stuff such as, on Random Huggers Day (a global phenomenon started from the UK 10 years ago), hugging about 80 people in 2 hours in Central HK, where I let go of my fear of being embarrassed and looking “bad”, to really be out there and spread the love and energy through my hugs; or participating in and tripling my pledged amount of fund raised in a 4km bare foot hike for poor students in China. And to my latest declaration to run a marathon by Dec 2013, I don’t know how I’m going to do it, I don’t know where in the world I will do it, but I am committed and will make it happen. For someone who couldn’t run continuously for more than 5 minutes 6 months ago, you would understand how many perfectly legitimate‘reasons’ I had to battle with to come up with that one, lol.

So, my dear friend, my point is, knowing what bold, compassionate, confident, loving, and unstoppable human beings that you are, I wish you a very happy, fulfilled and extraordinary life! Enjoy and LIVE THIS LIFE to the very fullest, from moment to moment, and get off the stand to witness and judge, but really, be on the court to play the game!! Remember, Life happens the moment you let the fear go and say yes!!! So, what say you???
Last but not least, life really is a lot of fun when you are "out there", do something you wouldn't ordinarily do, love like you haven't before, and most importantly, have the freedom to be fully self expressed! On that note, I wish you and your loved ones a very joyous, healthy, prosperous and fulfilling 2013!
For those of you who may be interested in the amazing coaching program that I participated in, it is called the “Landmark Forum” and is available worldwide. Please feel free to reach out to me if you would like to find out more. Don’t worry, the shameless plug here only comes out of my love and care for you to benefit from it, like how I did, not the imaginary toaster that I get by recommending it to you. ^___^

Warm regards,
QY Zhou
+852 69068823

