2013年1月27日 星期日

Oh Happy day! Enough hiding!

Dear all!
A very WARM morning hug from me! I have just came out of hibernation for the past 2 months and decided to PLAYYYY. This past weekend has been so excruciating, where my repetitive pattern that has been stopping me on my path to my dream has surfaced so loud and clear. It is now clear than ever that MY BIGGEST FEAR IN LIFE IS NOT THAT I AM A FAILURE, BUT THAT I AM SUCCESSFUL BEYOND MY WILDEST DREAMS! As such, I just sabotage my way every time I come remotely close to achieving something for myself.
I procrastinate -> then when sh** hit the fan and I really can't stand it anymore, I DECLARE I'M PLAYING -> then because I left so little bloody time to do, it's just impossible and ill prepared -> then I get demoralised and repeat the story of 'I JUST CAN'T'. Sob, curl up in a ball and find somebody to blame cos I love victimising myself in the story "I play alone!"
Now, enough is enough and I don't want to be stopped anymore! As such, this morning I am getting out of my head and dealing with the whatso and asking for your support (pretty please)!!!
  • 1 white card I need
  • 1 guest for Tiffany's candidation intro tonight (7.30pm, @ Thien's place in Long Beach, Olympic)
  • 4 guests for my candidation intro tomorrow night (7.30pm, @ Thien's place in Long Beach, Olympic)
Even this very moment, my mind wavers slightly as do my fingers tremble somewhat over the keyboard, with such a heightened emotion and sense of empowerment that i haven't sensed before. The enthusiasm mixed with fear. But you know what? Isn't that what life is ALL ABOUT? Prance into the seemingly dark & unknown future and ready to embrace the light cos this very moment i lift my head and say "YES I CAN!" Ditto the next moment, and the one after.
Thank you very much for your support as always! I never cease to be amazed by and am forever indebted to the level of humanity this group shows me everyday! =)

Warm regards,
QY Zhou
+852 69068823

