2013年1月8日 星期二

Sense of responsibility

I saw an interview of citibank's CEO on what drives him and he says it's the sense of responsibility he feels for his work, his family and his duties. To me, I am a different person today to who I was yday because I am driven by my responsibility to ILP, to you, and to the people in my lives.

I am committed to Tiffany getting the most out of iLP by completing the program the way it is designed. An to all of you, when all those numbers of registrations u need to do, i invite you to not look at 10. But look at how many ppl in your life, whose lives you want to make a difference to. That will shift your context and how you play your game.

Certainly you have more than 10 members of your friends and family in your lfe? How many of those would you like to make a difference to to their lives?

