2012年10月9日 星期二

Listening to another as a cause in the matter

Yesterday I tried listening from angle of appreciation. It was a great day, although later on I got tired and lost a bit of focus. Ran w C outside ICC for the first time, was great feeling to run outdoors, also managed to enrol her to participate in the walkathon with me.

4 participants and 4 sponsors as of now, not bad for an extraordinary tuesday!

Listening to another as a cause in the matter today! Going to rock the meeting in SZ, I have decided!

Also had a phone conversation w M last night, I finally gathered the courage to ask him to call me instead of just whatsapp (my fear of looking bad and appearing desperate to ask a guy to call me). It was a great conversation, as he seems to be very upbeat and happy kind of person like myself.

H also called me to share that he sees much of himself in me and as a result he can't really face me sometimes. It's very touching and very amusing at the same time. Both of us hold the kind of arrogance that now makes me cringe, thinking that we need to prove ourselves and be ahead of the pack. Whatever happened in our past really shouldn't impact our future. That's a declaration I'm making today!

