This new thing of I AM MY WORD feels so POWERFUL and EMPOWERING because I have never lived my life like this before!
It really was a miracle that I passed QnA yesterday. In fact, until yesterday afternoon, I still felt like the set out plan of
Thur QnA
Sat 2 assist - phone and intro
Mon 1 assist intro
Wed PnP mock
Thu PnP mock
Fri Format mock
Sun actual intro
Is madness, impossible, and more importantly, WHAT'S THE POINT? Why did I need to push myself so hard when no one else is doing it? When it occurred to me as impossible? Isn't work more important? All these reasons, all legitimate reasons.
But with this first obstacle done, I am extremely happy and empowered.
Yesterday was such a tumultuous and stressful day. The QnA which occurred to me as impossible, as I barely did up to Q17 the day before, the draft to boss that was due at the end of the day, coupled with the drama of having to listen to C for nearly an hour because of another relationship crisis. I was barely functional on 4 hour sleep, and kept on thinking to myself what is the point of pushing myself cos no one else in class is accelerating like I am. And as I was pacing up and down the dirty fire stairs in LEHK office, trying to stuff every word into my brain. Even as I placed my palm on the notes against the wall, trying to underline, memorise and muttering under my breath, my internal dialogues kept on shifting in and out of "yes i can", "no i can't!", "yes i can", "no freaking way!" Also, that moment, I resented myself for being so ill prepared and in this embarrassingly toiling situation, H, M, and even my buddy T have all completed. This was so reminiscent of my uni days where I leave everything to the last minute and while my friends all came to Law exams with ease and grace, I was still writing up notes, hoping to jam it all into my brain. Oh the toil! Oh the last minute rush / stress I always unnecessarily impose on myself! This is just a reflection of my being. Wipe that away please!
Finally at 9.20pm, the IL G pushed me to start. I was struggling a fair bit as words I clearly memorised just became blank spaces instead of pouring themselves out. I had to do a second time because I was stopped by two questions that were really similar. Had I paid more attention to really distinguish then I would not have had the issue.
What's even more amazing is really my ability to not react and take things personally. Had another conversation w C again, where she, after scolding by her boss, was shouting at me, blaming me and GJ for not caring about her work. Having somebody say f this f that to me at 8am on the train was not pleasant, but instead of just getting angry at her which I probably would before, I was calm and able to tell her to 1) calm down and 2) not use the vulgarity with me because it doesn't work. I was not this authentic and straightforwardness and no nonsense before.
Also, I was not afraid to say truthful things to her (advice really, at least to me) that probably sound really annoying to her. But I made it clear that the context is I care, for her, her and her package, be it job and relationships and everything else. So I'm saying things that others wouldn't dare or don't care to say.
At the back of my mind, I am cognisant of the fact that I don't want to go overboard of giving my love and contribution freely like xmas candies. I love myself. Myself comes first.
At some stage I need to stop giving or just pause, and see who continues to give love to me and contribute to me even as I don't.
That's the hard bit cos to me, at this moment, it does not occur to me that anyone would. Apart from the occasional kind gesture from perhaps T. or the ILP coaches or participants.
Still I find it quite fun to as if have entered the LM candy store and picking up each candy as I tick my past bad habits off one by one.
RID OF bad temper, TICK!
RID OF being unloving, selfish BIATCH ass, TICK!
RID OF mood swings for no good reason, TICK! (semi)
RID OF judgmental, TICK!
RID OF inferiority complex, TICK!
RID OF resenting my past, TICK!
RID OF "i can't run for sh*t", TICK!
PICK UP running, TICK!
PICK UP excitement for life, TICK!
PICK UP being caring and able to contribute w/o asking for return, TICK!
PICK UP love myself more cos I'm worth it, TICK!
Still to rid of
- procrastination
- how sometimes things occur to me as impossible, I can never get rid of it entirely, but need to shorten the time of getting OFF it quicker
In terms of goals the only major thing I have left is lose the weight, it's stuck on me for long enough, time to rid of it!