My email to idol H - i find it amazing i can express my admiration for someone else so openly...
i miss idol H!! tsk tsk hahahah... gosh last two wks have been amazing.. so many rackets, so many breakthroughs! you know that thing abt i try too hard to look good and not related to ppl? well that's certainly on teh change..
My friend Y who did LMF last wkend confessed to me that she could see the change in me in that, although I have known her for 3 years, previously I occurred to her as not very genuine - everytime I saw her, I'd hug her and be very warm in greeting without much substance to follow up. This is probably most people's experience with me in the past!!!! >,< (hopefully not anymore haha)
This was very eye-opening for me because I thought I was being friendly and these people never make effort to hang out with me!! I really see that this 100%/0% really works. Because previously I was measuring it with my own standard of 50/50% effort in hanging out with people. Yet, everyone's standard and judgment of 50/50 is different! But after the forum, she could see that I was really becoming genuine and really care for people, in my generous sharings (although to me, i was just doing a conversation, but probably because she can see the shift in my being which is much more authentic than previous 'garbage in, garbage out' approach in being with people.
i think all this started w you standing on stage and be a target for our rackets during AC! me now really is different to me then!! woooohoooo haha.. :PP thank you Hartly! *HUGZ*