2012年11月20日 星期二

That's what I call an amazing day!

C told me she finally got the breakthrough she wanted (without coming to LMF yet!), work is just work and no longer running her life!
T told me after 2 days of her knowing that one of her girl friends who I had a chance conversation with on Halloween night does not like me. T sat on it for two days cos she was afraid that it would hurt my feelings. In the past as I would feel insecure, I would really care and want to get validation by getting everyone to like me. However today, when T told me, I really felt nothing, I said, "oh ok that's too bad. I wonder why that's the case, I must be not very related to people, I will work on that in the future." On the way back up to the elevator I was slightly upset for 3 minutes, but got off it very quickly after. Already okay by the time I got back to my desk.
C bought me lunch such that I didn't have to go out to buy, I was rushing deadline today.. Feeling very loved!
And you know the best part? Yes, I haven't come to that yet. It is, the fact that I woke up with 4 hours of sleep, feeling like a zombie. But the moment I was in ICC ready to go up the escalators, I had a flash of thought. It was that, I am so happy to be breathing, to be alive! It's fantastic feeling! As a result, my energy level throughout the whole day was very high and I was positively happy! Not that tired at all.
Your world is HOW the world OCCURS TO YOU. That is ALL. Nothing more!
Your life can be as miserable or as happy as you make it to be. I made my choice this morning, and it turned out fabulous!

