2009年1月5日 星期一

Letting go

Never realized how in/capable I am of letting go. Perhaps the virgo in me has always outshone the emotional side of leo. Or perhaps the cynicism of my dear friend has tinged my senses of judgment on the world. But I am finding it increasingly easier to let go and be sceptical. Perhaps I might as well grow up. Remaining starry eyed probably won't fare me too well in this pond.


Finally got back to HK this morning after a 15 hour flight from the US. So jet lagged, but boy it feels so good to be home after 2 weeks away. Also somewhat excited about starting a brand new year with a clean slate. 2008 has been so much pain but fun at the same time.

New year resolutions:
  • learn new things and expand social circle - pick up dancing, singing, and sailing
  • contribute more of my time to worthy causes - Let's go Hands On!
  • listen and reflect more - God gave each one of us two ears and one mouth, so definitely spend more time listening than babbling!
  • be disciplined and stick to your principles - what you believe in should be sustained til the end.
逆境是人生的绊脚石,但却可以令人成长.真正改变命运的,并不是我们的际遇,而是我们的态度. -- Nick, disabled Australian, inspirational speaker.