2014年8月17日 星期日

Quick fixes and anger management

So I had to do an SOS call to JC, on recruitment events etc. When she said things along the lines of you have no idea of what you are doing, i was so agitated and raised my voice. This got me so present to the fact that I react to when people say I have no idea and I am very agitated. Also the fact that people don't give me quick fix solutions but rather try to give me pointers which i have no patience for.

This was interesting insight because later when I had to speak to R for 50 mins at 3am, I really realised my patience improved as I now know the importance of bu dong sheng se.

She has her posture. I need to have mine also. 

2014年8月2日 星期六

I sort of declared it, but they made it happen!

The last 24 hours have been truly amazing, with things happening at 1 million miles an hour.

1. JC & B actually flew to Singapore for the chance to meet with JR. And they made it happen. A most amazing miracle! High posture. When you have something that someone else craves for, they will do whatever possible to make it happen. When they don't give a crap, they won't even look at you.

So knowing the value of what you are carrying and what you stand for, is so important!

2. Having the vision of who you want to be is so important! Even if you are not yet there, if you are clear about exactly who you are and what you stand for, it is like nothing else matters.

I feel so powerless, almost every second that I am awake, about my fatness and how untidy and messy my house is. It is like the cause of everything that is troubling me comes from there.

I need some serious clearing, why am I upset? I am upset with an idiot I am and making myself wrong.
I need to just wake up and stop thinking and just do.

Structure in place
1. No food after 8pm
2. once a week just clean.
3. one day off a week - every sunday
4. once a week facial
5. sleep by 12am latest